– Rochene Vergara, Bicol Philippines
Currently studying Certificate III+ Certificate IV + Diploma of Hospitality at Wide Bay Institute of TAFE

To be honest, it was not an easy decision to leave the life I got used to behind but for me it was like ‘point of no return’ – I need to make things work and there is no room to quit the game as I have given up part of my life and had invested fair bit of money too. First couple of days after I arrive in Sydney, I walk around the CBD and realized how brilliant and vibrant this place is. The culture is young, the people are polite and lovely, and there is diversity which assisted me during my adjustment period. In order to support myself and my studies, I have to take on jobs after school or in between classes like removalists lifting furniture and kitchenhand washing dishes etc – these jobs are not what I would be doing if I were in Manila. After 3 months of such life, I went to Tim from Bridge Blue and told him I am ready to pack up and go back home. Tim counseled me and made me realize the opportunities I have in my hand – yes I have to study and chase up assessments and deadlines and yes I have to work hard to sustain myself and support my family but YES, Tim is right – it will pay off at the end. After a long and winding road- I have now gained my Permanent Residency and hopefully by next year be able to acquire my Australian Citizenship.
Looking back, I see no hardships after all only opportunities and friendships I gained, I thank the whole Bridge Blue Team who assisted me all the way especially Tim, who have helped me in many ways to realize the life I am enjoying now here in Sydney.
To you all, wishing to take the same path I have taken, “Good day, Mate! Give it a go and its gonna be bloody amazing. Welcome to Aussie, oi oi oi” (another expression J).
Gerald Cano
an Aussie-inspired product of Bridge Blue

Саша ни ја објасни целата постапка и не советуваше како да го почнеме процесот. Целата постапка траеше 2-3 месеци. Јас аплицирав за Master, и визата ми беше одобрена за една недела. Фактот што јас и мојот партнер сме сега во Sydney е доказ за професионалноста на Bridge Blue.
Доколку имате желба и средства за студирање во Австралија, Bridge Blue е вашиот најсигурен пат до целта.
Благодариме Bridge Blue!
Angelina Jha Trajkova
Skopje, Macedonia
Study Master of Social Work
at Australian Catholic University
Sydney, Australia

Hvala mnogo, ‘Bridge Blue’ , a posebno Saši i Eleni!
Daniel Toromanović
Bijeljina, Bosna i Hercegovina
Studira engleski jezik na
Sputhern Cross Education Institute
u Melburnu, Australija

– International Student Maria Jimena Grajales, Bogota- Colombia. August 2013