Business Courses Australia – There are endless career options in the business world – from small family businesses to giant corporations. Business courses can take you from the reception desk to the executive lounge, and anywhere in-between. A business qualification enables you to get work, trade up, or strike out on your own.
Career Outcomes:
- Business Development Manager
- Executive Assistant
- Team Leader
- Legal Secretary
- Business Owner
Types of Business Courses:
- Certificate III (Learn essential office skills and expand your job opportunities), Certificate IV (Build your business skills and take your career one step further), Diploma (Stand out from your peers and forge ahead in your career) and Advanced Diploma of Business (climb the professional ladder and expand your opportunities) with different fields in Administration, Management, Marketing or International
- Bachelor of Business with all types of specialisations
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
According to Graduate Careers Australia:
- Out of bachelor graduates (all) in the field of business studies, 44.5 per cent were male and 55.5 per cent were female
- The median age of bachelor graduates (all) in the field of business studies, was 23 years
- Overall, 74.7 per cent of bachelor graduates (all) in the field of business studies, were available for full-time employment after graduation, with a further 10.9 per cent in full-time study, 8.5 per cent in part-time or casual employment, and 5.3 per cent unavailable for full-time study or work
- Out of bachelor graduates (all) in the field of business studies who were available for full-time employment, 71.8 per cent were in full-time employment
- The median salary for bachelor graduates (all) in the field of business studies was $50,000
“I wasn’t satisfied just to earn a good living. I was looking to make a statement.” – Donald Trump
“I wanted to be an editor or a journalist, I wasn’t really interested in being an entrepreneur, but I soon found I had to become an entrepreneur in order to keep my magazine going.” – Richard Branson