Eligible visa holders will qualify to get the 2nd working holiday visa ★
Pay structure:
Depending on the task, some work is hourly (approx $21 per hour), some work is piece rate (performance based)
Potential earnings:
$400 – $900 per week subject to performance
Average is $800 per week
Some people even earned over $900 per week!
Shifts: 5-6 days per week, 6-9 hours per day.
Location: Queensland
Farm owner:
Very friendly Australian couple. (They sometimes even take the workers to dinner if everyone worked hard that day!)
Picking or packaging zucchinis, tomatoes, and capsicums!
Work duration:
The farm will have work available until the end of Dec 2016, so you can work at this farm a long time (and make a lot of money) if you wish!
Accommodation will be organised for you. The accommodation will be share houses – usually 7 people per 3 rooms house for approx $120 per week each (including bills). The share house owners are very friendly and often drive the flatmates to the shopping center, etc.
Many Japanese co-workers, and people from other nationalities here on the Working Holiday Visa.
Start Date:
Immediate. This farm needs 100 people to start before the end of March!
How to apply:
For more information, please enquire by completing this form: