Choose Your Education

You have so many educational options to choose from if you intent to study in Australia, so take some time to think about your career and life goals. The course you study will shape your career and life plans. Also think about whether you want to study in the city or in the country. Do you want to study at a small or large college or university? What level qualification do you want? (certificate, diploma, degree etc). You will probably find that the course you want to study is offered at several places in Australia and New Zealand. Is it important that you live somewhere warm or cold?

You will also need to consider the institution’s academic entrance requirements, as each college or university and each course has its own standards. I
‘f you don’t have enough English, you will need to think about English Language too.

Tuition Fee

The cost of studying in Australia and New Zealand compares well with other countries that take international students. You will find that the combined costs of tuition fees and living expenses are lower in Australia and New Zealand than the US and UK. Each institution has different fees for different courses. You will find that tuition fees in Australia and New Zealand for international students are even more competitive with other countries, especially when you calculate current exchange rates.

The following is a guide only:

English Language Courses AUD$150 – AUD$350 per week

Vocational Education and Training Courses AUD$5000 – AUD$12000 per year

Bachelor Degree (undergraduate) AUD$10000 – 18000 per year

Graduate Diploma, Masters, PhD (postgraduate) AUD$12000 – 18000 per year

English Language

You can study intensive English language (known as ELICOS) at more than 100 institutions in Australia and at a relatively low cost. Some institutions are private, semi-private or government owned. All institutions are properly registered and offer high quality English language training, many using advanced language laboratories, video, computer and library facilities.

There are no entrance requirements for English Language courses. Courses are offered at all levels (beginner to advanced) and course starting times are very flexible. This flexibility makes it easy for you to combine English Language Training with a holiday, or with another course.

You can study:

• General English (emphasis on communication skills)

• English for Academic Purposes (preparation to study at university, TAFE or a private college)

• Examination Preparation (preparation for Cambridge, TOEFL or IELTS examinations)

• Study Tourism (learn English while learning about Australia / New Zealand or enjoying activities such as scuba, golf, horse riding, sailing etc)

• And more

Many students will take an English Language Test to determine their level of English, and to decide how much English Language Training they may need. All tests assess your reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a very popular test in Asia, however, most Australian institutions prefer the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test.

High School 500-550 TOEFL or 5-6 IELTS

Certificate 500-550 TOEFL or 5-6 IELTS

Diploma 500-550 TOEFL or 5-6 IELTS

Bachelors Degree 550-600 TOEFL or 6.0-7.0 IELTS

Postgraduate 550-600 TOEFL or 6.0-7.0 IELTS

University (BA, BSc, Pg Dip, MA)

There are many universities in Australia ranging in size from 3000 students to more than 30,000 students. All Australian universities are strictly monitored to maintain high standards in teaching and research. Most of these universities are located in cities, while some are found in rural environments.

Universities offer courses in a wide range of areas at the following levels:

• Bachelors Degree

• Graduate Certificate

• Graduate Diploma

• Masters Degree

• Doctorate (PhD)

Each university has its own entrance requirements for each course offered. You will also need to have a minimum level of English before you can start a course. Most courses start in February, however, some may also start in July and October.


Australian Technical and Further Education (TAFE) is a government owned and operated education system that offers courses in almost every field of study. There are more than 230 government TAFE colleges around Australia that offer courses at certificate, diploma and advanced diploma levels. Many TAFE courses will lead to credit transfer arrangements at Australian universities so you can earn credit towards a bachelor’s degree. Some TAFE courses are only a few weeks while others may take up to three years to complete. Some TAFE colleges are located in cities, while others are in rural areas. Most courses start in February, however, some may also start in July.

TAFE courses emphasize practical and professional learning that will help you get a job.

Private and Specialist Colleges

Private and Specialist colleges offer courses in almost every area of study, usually at certificate, diploma and advanced diploma level. These courses are often designed to teach practical skills you can use in the workforce. Courses can range from 10 weeks to 3 years, and each college will have its own entrance requirements. Many private and specialist colleges have credit transfer arrangements with universities so you can earn credit towards a bachelor degree.

Some examples of the types of courses you can study at a private or TAFE college:

• Accounting

• Aviation

• Business management

• Child care

• Computer studies

• Graphic design

• Hair and beauty therapy

• Information Technology (IT)

• Marketing

• Office administration

• Secretarial Studies

• Travel and tourism

• Hospitality and hotel management

• And many more

High Schools

Australian schools offer quality education at world class standards. Each State or Territory in Australia is responsible for its own schools however the Australian Federal Government ensures the standards and quality of teaching are maintained throughout the country.

The majority of Australian schools are public and approximately one quarter are private and charge full fees. Many private schools are run by religious institutions. Some schools offer boarding facilities.

There are thousands of schools in Australia, far too many to list here. You need to consider your individual needs (large school or small school, is religious education important, which city or town would you like to live in, etc).

Length of Courses

The following is a guide only. Each course and each college or university may be slightly different:

Certificate 6-18 months

Diploma 1.5-3 years

Bachelors Degree 3-5 years

Graduate Certificate 6 months

Graduate Diploma 1 year

Masters Degree 1-2 years

PhD 4-5 years

How to Apply

Once you have read through the information on the Bridge Blue website, you must consider:

• What kind of course you would like to study.

• What level qualification you would like to study.

• In which Australian or New Zealand city or town you would like to live and study.

• Then contact us and send us information about your educational needs and goals.

• We will then give you free counselling via email and will advise you of your choices and opportunities in Australia and New Zealand.

• When you have decided on a particular university, college or school, Bridge Blue will help you make an application. We will advise you of the academic and English language requirements as well as other documentation you need to provide with your application. Generally, you will need to provide details of your previous study, including copies of qualifications you already have. You will also need to have proof of your level of English (eg IELTS or TOEFL) as well as the name of the person responsible for paying your tuition fees.

• When you are accepted into a course, Bridge Blue will advise you and send you a Letter of Offer from your school, college or university.

• You must read the Letter of Offer and understand any conditions such as upgrading your English language skills. You will be asked to pay the first semester tuition fees as well as the compulsory medical insurance fee (the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)) to pay for any medical or hospital treatment which you may need during your stay in Australia.

• When we receive your fees, we will send you a Letter of Confirmation of Enrolment. You need the Letter of Offer, Confirmation of Enrolment and receipt for your first semester’s (or first year’s) tuition fees to apply for your student visa for Australia.

• Bridge Blue will give you advice about how you make a visa application. You will be asked to have a medical examination in order to get your student visa, and your doctor will fill out information on special forms.

• After all this, you will be told if your visa application is successful. The length of your student visa will be the same length as your course in Australia.

• Bridge Blue can assist you arrange homestay accommodation and airport pickup and we will tell you when you should arrive in Australia to start your studies.

Student Visa

Bridge Blue will give you advice about how to apply for your visa. To be given your visa, you will need to show the following:

• Letter of Confirmation of Enrolment from the school, college or university

• Letter of Offer Receipt showing you have paid your tuition fees Valid passport

• Medical report showing your good health

• Proof of having paid Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for Australia

You should be aware of the conditions of your visa:

• You must leave Australia when your visa has expired

• Your visa is not valid for permanent residency of Australia or New Zealand

• You must satisfy course requirements and continue your enrolment

• While studying you can work up to 40 hours per fortnight and full-time during vacation time

• Health insurance must be paid for the full stay in Australia

The Streamlined Visa Processing SVP is currently very popular in attracting international students to Australia.


International students in Australia with a student visa must have arrangements for health insurance. Australia has a special system of health care cover for international students called Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) and you must have this for the duration of your student visa in Australia. If you come to Australia on a working holiday visa or tourist visa and study a short course (up to 3 months) you cannot take out OSHC. We recommend travel or private medical insurance for those students on other visas.

Choose Your Education Provider and Study Location

Adelaide Insitute of Business and Technology – AIBT
Adelaide Institute of Management & Technology
Adelaide Pacific International College
Australian College of Applied Psychology – ACAP
Australian Institute of Business Administration
Australian Learning Group (RTO 91165 / CRICOS 03071E)
Australian Technical and Management College – ATMC
Bradford College – The University of Adelaide
Careers Australia College of Healthcare Adelaide
Centre for English Language (CELUSA) – UniSA
English College of Adelaide
Flinders international Study Centres – FISC
Flinders University
Intensive English Language Institute – IELI
Ikon Institute of Australia
Intensive English Language Institute – IELI
International College of Hotel Management
Kaplan Business School
SA Adelaide Language Centre
SACE Adelaide
Salford College
South Australian Institute of Business and Technology – SAIBT
Torrens University Australia
University of South Australia – UniSA
William Light Institute
Academy of Design
Australasian Golf Academy
Australia International College of Language
Australian Catholic University – ACU
Australian College of Applied Psychology – ACAP
Australian College of Information Technology
Australian Institute of Applied Sciences – AIAS
Australian Internships
Australian Language Schools – ALS
Australian Learning Group (RTO 91165 / CRICOS 03071E)
Axial Training
Bond University
Bond College
Brisbane College of English – Australia
Brisbane North Institute of TAFE – BNIT
Brisbane School of Hairdressing
Browns ELS
Cairns College of English and Business
Canterbury College
Careers Australia College of Healthcare Brisbane
Careers Australia Institute of English
Careers Australia Institute of Training
Central Queensland Institute of TAFE
Charles Sturt University – CSU
Embassy CES
Envirotech Institute of Education
Gold Coast Language School
Griffith University
Harvest Education Technical College – HETC
Hilton International College QLD
Holmes Institute
Ikon Institute of Australia
Imperial College Australia – ICA
International Eductaion Services – IES – UQ
Imagine Education Australia
Inforum Education Australia
International College of Queensland Australia – ICQA
International Education Services – IES – UQ
International Training College
James Cook University – JCU Townsville/Cairns
James Cook University – JCU Brisbane
JMC Academy
John Paul International College
Kelly Colleges
Language International Australia
Language Studies International – LSI
Lifetime International Training College
Metro College of Technology
New England College of Technology
PGA International Golf Institute
Queensford College
Queensland Academy of Technology
Queensland Institute for Aviation Engineering
Queensland Institute of Business and Technology – QIBT
Queensland International Business Academy – QIBA
Queensland International Institute
Queensland Schools EQI
Royal Brisbane International College
Kaplan Business School
Sarina Russo Schools
Shafston International College
Southern Cross University – SCU
Spencer College
St. Hilda’s School
TAFE Queensland Brisbane
TAFE Queensland Brisbane – Metropolitan South Institute
TAFE Queensland Brisbane – Southbank Institute
TAFE Queensland Gold Coast
The Eagle Academy
Torrens University Australia
University of Queensland – UQ
University of Southern Queensland – USQ
University of Sunshine Coast – USC
Viva International College
ACT Schools
Australian Catholic University
Australian National University College
Canberra Institute of Technology
University of Canberra
Charles Darwin University – CDU
International College of Advanced Education
SACE Hobart
TAFE Tasmania
University of Tasmania – UTAS
Academia International
Academies Australasia Polytechnic – AAPOLY
AMI Education
AOI Institute
ASA Institute (Intensive English Program)
Australian Catholic University – ACU
Australian College of Applied Psychology – ACAP
Australian College of Dance
Australian College of Hair Design and Beauty
Australian Industrial Systems Institute
Australian Institute of Applied Sciences – AIAS
Australian Learning Group (RTO 91165 / CRICOS 03071E)
Australian National Institute of Business and Technology – ANIBT
Australian Technical and Management College – ATMC
Austwide Institute of Training – AIOT
BIBA Academy
Box Hill Institute
Box Hill Institute
Brighton Institute of Technology
Cambridge International College – CIC
Central Queensland University – CQU
Charles Sturt University – CSU
Chisholm Institute
City College of Melbourne
Discover English
Education Access Australia – MITH and MIE
Education Centre of Australia
Education Centre of Australia – ECA (Professional Year)
Einstein College of Australia
Eltham College
English Language School in Sydney – ELSIS
Federation University
Fusion English
Gurkhas Institute
Hawthorn – The University of Melbourne Programs
Hays International College
Holmes Institute
Ikon Institute of Australia
Impact English College
INUS Australia
JMC Academy
Kaplan Business School
La Trobe Melbourne – LTM (All Diplomas)
La Trobe University Melbourne
Lyceum English Language Australia
Martin – Sydney
Melbourne Institute of Business and Technology – MIBT
Melbourne Institute of Technology – MIT
Melbourne Polytechnic
Menzies Institute of Technology
Nova Institute of Technology
Ozford College
Ozford College Secondary School
PSG Australia
SAE Institute
Sheila Baxter Training Centre
Southern Cross Education Institute – SCEI
St George Institute
Sunshine College of Management
Swinburne University of Technology
TAFE Holmesglen Institute
TAFE Kangan Institute
TAFE William Angliss Institute
Taylors StudyLink
The Gordon – TAFE Gordon Institute
Torrens University Australia
Universal Institute of Technology – UIT
University of New England Melbourne – ISBT
University of St. Thomas
Victoria University (VU)
Victorian Certificate of Education
Victorian Institute of Culinary Arts and Technology – VICAT
Western Institute of Technology
Zenith Business Academy – ZBA
Australian College of Applied Education
Australian Professional Skills Institute – APSI
Australian School of Management
Australian School of Tourism & Hotel Management
Cambridge International College – CIC
Centre of English Language Teaching – CELT
College of Innovation and Industry Skills – CIIS
Curtin College – Curtin University
Curtin University of Technology
Dental Nursing Australia
Edith Cowan University – ECU
Engineering Institute of Technology – EIT
Kingston International College
Language Links
Lexis English
Milner International College of English
Murdoch Institute of Technology
Murdoch University
Perth Institute of Business and Technology – PIBT
Perth Institute Western Australia
Phoenix Academy
Phoenix Academy
Silver Trowel Perth
Stanley College
Sterling Business College
TAFE Western Australia – Education and Training International – ETI
University of Western Australia – UWA
Western Australian Education Certificate
Abbey College Australia
Ability Education
Academies Australasia Institute
Academy of English
Academy of Information Technology
ACCESS Language Centre
Aces Centre
Alphacrucis College
Apex Institute of Education
APM College of Business and Communication
Apple Study Group
Asia Pacific International College – APIC
Astute Training
Australia Onsung International College
Australian Academy of Commerce Pty Ltd
Australian Academy of Management & Science
Australian Academy of Sport and Fitness
Australian Catholic University – ACU
Australian Centre of Further Education
Australian College of Applied Psychology – ACAP
Australian College of Dance
Australian College of Natural Therapy
Australian College of Physical Education – ACPE
Australian College of Technology
Australian Hair and Beauty College
Australian Ideal College
Australian Institute of Commerce & Language – AICL
Australian Institute of Commerce & Technology
Australian Institute of Higher Education – AIH
Australian Institute of Music
Australian Institute of Professional Education – AIPE
Australian Institute of Professional Education – AIPE Higher Education
Australian Institute of Technology and Education – AITE
Australian International College of English – AICE
Australian International Conservatorium of Music
Australian International High School
Australian International Performing Arts High School
Australian Learning Group (RTO 91165 / CRICOS 03071E)
Australian National College of Beauty
Australian TESOL Training Centre (ATTC)
Australian Vocational Learning Centre – AVLC
Australis Institute of Technology and Education – AITE
Bass-Skardon Abbess
Billy Blue College of Design
Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School
Bridge Business College – BBC
Byron Bay English Language School
Cambridge College International – CCI
Cambridge International College – CIC
Canterbury Business College
Canterbury Language Academy
Canterbury Technical Institute
Cass Training International College
Castle College
CATC Design School
Central College
Central Queensland University – CQU
Central Queensland University – CQU
Charles Darwin University – CDU
Charles Sturt University – CSU
Charles Sturt University – main Campus Wagga Wagga
City Institute
Clarendon Business College
College of Sports and Fitness
Computer Graphic College
Crown Institute of Business and Technology
Curtin College – Curtin University
Curtin University Sydney
Education Centre of Australia – ECA (Professional Year)
Elite Education
ELS Universal English College
English Language Company – ELC
English Language School in Sydney – ELSIS
Evolution Hospitality Institute
Fuss Beauty College
George Brown College – GBC
Global English College
Greenwich College
Holmes Institute
Ikon Institute of Australia
Imperial College Australia
International College of Capoeira
International College of Management Sydney – ICMS
International House Sydney
Jet English College
JMC Academy
Kaplan Business School
Kent Institute
Kenvale College
Kings Own Institute (KOI)
Kingsway Institute
La Lingua Language School
La Trobe University Sydney Campus
Le Cordon Bleu
Lexis English
Lloyds International College
Loura Business College
Macquarie City Campus
Macquarie Education Group Australia – MEGA
Macquarie Grammer School
Macquarie University
Magill College
MEGT Institute
Melbourne Institute of Technology – MIT
Mercury Colleges
Metro College
Napoleon Perdis Makeup Academy
NCELTR Macquarie University (English)
New Cambridge College
Newcastle International College – NIC
North Sydney English College
NSW School of Massage
Pacific College of Technology
Performance English
Pivot Point International Academy Sydney
Qantm College
Quality Training & Hospitality College
SAE Institute
SIBN College
Silver Trowel Sydney
Specialty Language Centre
Stanford Academy
Step One College
Strathfield College – SC
Supreme Business College
Sydney Business and Travel Academy – SBTA
Sydney English Academy – SEA
Sydney English Language Centre
Sydney Film School
Sydney Institute of Business and Technology – SIBT
Sydney International English College – SIEC
Sydney School of Business and Technology – SSBT
TAFE NSW Government School
TAFE NSW Sydney Institute English Centre – SITEC
Taylors College H School/Foundation
Taylors English Preparation
The Australasian College
The Hotel School Sydney
The University of New England – UNE
Top Education Institute
Top Education Institute
Top Education Institute
Torrens University Australia
Universal Business School Sydney (UBSS)
University of New England Sydney – ISBT
University of New South Wales – UNSW
University of Newcastle – UON
University of Southern Queensland – USQ Sydney
University of Sydney (Foundation Program)
University of Wollongong – UOW
University Preparation College
UNSW Global
Victoria University Sydney Campus
Victory Institute
Warvick Institute
Willams Business College
William Blue
William Business College
Zenith Business Academy – ZBA