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The Winner of the AMSBB Group Most Outstanding Team Member 2016

The Winner of the AMSBB Group Most Outstanding Team Member 2016 goes to Ms Undrakh Jargalsaikhan of BridgeBlue Sydney office!!! The award was presented to her during our team gathering in Sri Lanka, 9 November 2016. "It has been a wonderful journey to be a part of Bridge Blue Pty Ltd. I would like to

Special Discounts for Post Graduate Visa!!!!!!!!

Are you a recent graduate who has already finished studies or about to finish studies in the near future? If yes, then this is the right time to explore the visa opportunities after the completion of studies. Meet our professional and experienced migration agents in order to assess your eligibility for Temporary Graduate visa or

Study at Grand Valley State University (GVSU), Michigan USA

Study at Grand Valley State University (GVSU), Michigan USA • Located ideally for a study environment with campus and Grand Rapid’s city life • Low tuition fees • Scholarships for eligible students • Great in-campus accommodation • Small class size and students can interact with the related field professors easily • Low cost living

Professional Accounting Internship Opportunities!

GAIN THE EXPERIENCE YOU NEED TO GET EMPLOYMENT We have over 20 quality internship positions in accounting firms / accounting departments in Sydney and Melbourne looking for motivated accounting & finance interns (other industries also available) through our signature program, the AIPP Instant Career Accelerator Program ™ Opportunities include: Chartered accountant and business advisory

Finished your Studies and Wish to Extend your Stay in Australia?

Explore your opportunities and apply for Temporary Graduate visa or Post Graduate Visa. Feel free to contact us here: Enquire Now Bridge Blue Global Migration 801A, 276 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Tel: +61 2 9269 0110 | Email:

FedUni ranked #1 for Engineering graduate employment rates

Image: Zak Shafane, Engineering (Mining) Student FedUni’s engineering students have the highest graduate employment rates in Victoria and receive the highest median graduate starting salary in the nation*. Our higher education engineering courses are internationally recognised for producing graduates who are equipped with relevant, up-to-date skills that ensure they are industry-ready by the time they

Study in IIBIT Australia

Scholarships available to both offshore and onshore students Campuses in the heart of Sydney and Adelaide CBD surrounded by an ample array of shops, cafes and restaurants, and are easily accessible by public transport. Excellent teaching and learning facilities Small class sizes & fun learning activities Competitive and affordable fee structure Highly qualified faculty Student

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