Are you a recent graduate or about to finish your studies…???

If the answer is yes, then this is just the right time to attend our high tea information evening at Bridge Blue Office in Sydney. The topic of discussion will be:

  • Graduate Visa – TR Visa
  • Skilled Independent/Nominated Visa- PR Visa
  • Regional Visa- Provisional PR visa

If you want to know more about the eligibility criteria and explore your visa options, then don’t miss this unique opportunity. The presentation will be made by our professional and experienced migration agent. You will get a chance to hear from the expert and discuss your case.

19 February 2016 (Fri) | 4pm

@ Bridge Blue, 801A, 276 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000
And join us for high tea as well!!!

Join us for FREE! Seats are limited! Secure your seats by registering online:

or call us if you have any questions: +61 2 9269 0110