Studentu Vīza
Šeit ir viena studnetu vīzas klase ar 8 apkšklasēm. Septiņas no šīm vīzu apakšklasēm attiecas uz specifiskiem izglītības sektoriem un viena uz studentu aizbildņiem. Studentu vīzas apakšklases ir sekojošas:
Apakšklase 570 Neatkarīga ELICOS Sektora Vīza
Apakšklase 571 Skolu Sektora Vīza
Apakšklase 572 Profesionālās izglītības un apmācības Sektora Vīza
Apakšklase 573 Augstākās Izglītības Sektora Vīza
Apakšklase 574 Pēcdiploma Pētniecības Sektora Vīza
Apakšklase 575 Bez nominācijas Sektora Vīza
Apakšklase 576 AusAID vai aizardzības Sektora Vīza
Apakšklase 580 Studentu aizbildņu Vīza
Assessment Level
Student visa applicants are subject to different Assessment Levels (AL) depending on the passport they hold and what subclass of student visa they apply for. The ALs reflect risks of visa non-compliance. AL 1 is the lowest risk level and AL 3 is the highest. Students holding passports from countries not given a specific AL are allocated AL 3 as a default assessment level. The higher a student visa applicant’s AL, the more evidence they will need to provide to prove that they are a genuine student visa applicant. The evidence required covers English language ability, financial capacity and other matters such as academic record, age and employment/career requirements. The evidence required by the Assessment Level is briefly:
- The students of AL1 country passport: COE, Health Insurance and Medical Examination
- The students of AL2 country passport: COE, Health Insurance, Medical Examination and Financial Capacity
- The students of AL3 country passport: Health Insurance, Medical Examination, Financial Capacity and English Proficiency
Streamlined Student Visa Processing
Under the streamlined student visa processing arrangements, eligible student visa applicants from participating education providers are not assigned an assessment level. If you are eligible for streamlined visa processing you will generally have reduced evidentiary requirements, similar to those that apply under Assessment Level 1, regardless of your country of origin. You can find a list of universities and non-university higher education providers participating in the streamlined visa processing arrangements and their nominated educational business partners at
Visa Application
AL 1 applicants can also make an initial student visa application while in Australia (if they meet other requirements) without having to establish exceptional reasons for the grant of the visa. AL1 applicants can also lodge initial student visa applicants (either offshore or onshore) via the internet using the student eVisa system. Those from AL2-3 countries usually are not entitled to apply for their initial student visa in Australia. Please contact a registered migration agent for further information. You can include your partner or children in your student visa application and bring them to Australia together. The different number of visa applicants will bring about different visa application cost. On 1 July 2013, the new pricing structure of visa application charge has been introduced. DIAC website shows it in detail.
In most cases, the students are subject to various conditions imposed on the visa. You are required to follow these conditions while holding the visa;
- Student visa holders usually are not allowed to work more than 40 hours fortnightly (14 days). Family members of the primary visa applicant are imposed the same condition. But there are some exemptions. Please contact a registered migration agent for further information.
- If the intended course is less than 10 months and you are from AL 3 or 4 countries, you may not be able to apply for another student visa in Australia.
- It is a mandatory condition for all student visas that the student notify their education provider of their residential address within seven days of arriving in Australia and also notify the education provider within seven days of any change of residential address.
Students who have a school-age children (5-17) with them in Australia for more than three months must maintain adequate arrangements for their education which means that the school-age child is enrolled in school.